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Revegetation the N Johnstone at Malanda
IN THIS ISSUE (Items are included in TREAT News for their interest to members and do not necessarily express TREAT's views)


Revegetation at Malanda


Weed of the Month

Plant Profile 

2024 Planting Season

Nursery News

Fruit Collection Diary

Revegetating the North Johnstone River at Malanda - Gemma Horner

The North Johnstone River starts somewhere near the junction of Upper Barron Road and Merragallan Road at just over 900 m above sea level and flows north-east, over Malanda Falls. It then meanders for >110 km in an easterly direction, down the escarpment towards the coast where it converges with the South Johnstone River at Innisfail, only 5 km before discharging into the Coral Sea.


By the late 19th century, only 10% of the original forest cover remained in the upper catchment of the North Johnstone River, near Malanda. With the exception of Malanda Falls Conservation Park, Malanda remained mostly devoid of native, woody vegetation up until the early 1970s. Along the southern banks of the North Johnstone River in Malanda, historical satellite imagery from 1952 shows several scattered trees in Dungavel Park on Ann Street, most likely being the mature Camphor Laurels (Cinnamomum camphora) which are still present there today. But apart from these, the parklands north-west of Ann Street were bare.


Between approximately 1970 -1980, a scattering of vegetation appears on the banks of the river, closest to the Conservation Park, presumably unmanaged regrowth. Around this same time, a single row of trees (which are presumed to be Camphor Laurel) are visible on the northern bank of the river downstream and extending past Duncan Brown Bridge. It is unclear if these trees naturally established from local seed or were intentionally planted. Around the mid 1970s several more trees appear within Dungavel Park, likely to be Camphor Laurel and Red Cedar (Toona ciliata), the latter of which still stands behind the Scout Hall on Ann Street.


During the late 1980s a small patch of Tallowwood (Eucalyptus microcorys) was planted on the southern banks of the river, behind the Girl Guides Hut. Presumably these were planted to be harvested in the future, however, the towering specimens are still present there today.


In the early 1990s several landholders had started replanting trees along the banks of the river and in 1992, with the cooperation of local landholders, the Wet Tropics Tree Planting Scheme (WTTPS) commenced. This WTTPS, prompted by the late rainforest ecologist Geoff Tracey, aimed to re-train timber industry workers who had become displaced following the listing of the Wet Tropics rainforests by the World Heritage committee in 1988. Later, the Malanda section of WTTPS became the Tablelands Regional Council’s (TRC) Community Revegetation Unit which still works out of the Winfield Park nursery and continues to be active in local revegetation activities. The nursery is open to the public between 8am – 4pm Tuesdays and welcomes volunteers on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


Below, images gathered from QImagery show the evolving riparian community at the site.

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1974 Johnstone River.jpg

North Johnstone River Malanda 1954 © Imagery 2024

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North Johnstone River Malanda 1990 © Imagery 2024

North Johnstone River Malanda 1974 © Imagery 2024

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North Johnstone River Malanda 2005 © Imagery 2024

In 1993, several landholders formed the Malanda and Upper Johnstone Catchment Landcare Association, (now Malanda Landcare) with the aim of organising funds to support further revegetation along the river.


Kylie Freebody (formerly of TRC Community Revegetation Unit) notes that there were various revegetation projects along this area of the Johnstone River over the years, commencing in the early to mid-1990s. Many of these projects were co-ordinated by Malanda Landcare with the cooperation of landholders and support from hundreds of volunteers and local businesses including TRC Community Revegetation Unit, TREAT, QPWS, Malanda Chamber of Commerce, School for Field Studies, NQ Land Management Services (NQLMS), Malanda North, Conservation Volunteers Australia, Wet Tropics Management Authority, Terrain and Green Corps, local landholders and members of the community. Since 1995, over 40,000 trees have been planted along this section of the Johnstone River and its tributary Cleminson Creek.


Key projects

In April 2003, QPWS was involved in a revegetation project on a very disturbed section of riverbank, both upstream and downstream of Duncan Brown Bridge, near the Malanda industrial Estate (red, blue and yellow areas below). This project involved removing Camphor Laurels which were dominating the riparian community and impeding natural regeneration, Ochna (Ochna serrulata), both Small and Large Leaf Privets (Ligustrum spp.) and a suite of other weeds. Approximately 3,500 trees were planted across several plantings. Some areas contained native regrowth and were only infilled (blue outline) whilst other areas were bare and completely planted out (yellow outline).

2003 Planting D_B_Bridge_P.Snodgrass_1.jpg
2003 Planting D_B_Bridge_P.Snodgrass_2.jpg
2003 Planting D_B_Bridge_P.Snodgrass_3.jpg
2003 Planting D_B_Bridge_P.Snodgrass_4.jpg

2003 Planting - Duncan Brown Bridge. Photos courtesy of P. Snodgrass (QPWS)

Fast forward to 2013 and Malanda Landcare in partnership with Malanda North, School for Field Studies, Choorechillum (Ngadjon Jii) Prescribed Body Corporate and Johnstone River Catchment Management Association, was awarded just over $30,000 in Round 1 of the Queensland Government’s Everyone’s Environment Grants. This project, named Clean up Malanda’s Backyard, set out to manage weeds and revegetate degraded sections of the Johnstone River by planting over 3,000 trees. It is understood that several plantings took place between 2013-14 along the section of the river between the Conservation Park and Duncan Brown Bridge. Geoff Onus from NQLMS, notes that he and his team assisted in planting the section of track behind the cattle yards at the showgrounds. The species mix planted included Red Leaf Fig (Ficus congesta), Quandong (Elaeocarpus grandis), Milky Pine (Alstonia scholaris) as well as food plants of the Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo. The project aimed to improve connectivity and help build the resilience of Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo and other wildlife.


In 2015 the Malanda Chamber of Commerce (with guidance by the then Chamber President Geraldine McGuire) on behalf of the Malanda Urban Wild Space Pilot Project was granted over $70,000 in Round 3 of the Everyone’s Environment Grants. This money was used to plant 1,300 trees at five sites along the Johnstone River, including at Christine Doan’s property ‘Malanda North’ which lies between the North Johnstone River and Cleminson Creek. Many of the Camphor Laurels were drilled and poisoned in-situ, the remains of which are still visible as you walk alongside the river. Again, NQLMS provided the physical labour that supported the planting and weeding efforts. One interesting inclusion in the aims of the project was the targeted control of the exotic Cat’s Claw Creeper (Dolichandra unguis-cati). This was clearly successful as the species is no longer present along this section of the river according to a recent weed survey.


North Johnstone River today


Today the area on the southern bank of the North Johnstone River comprises a diverse riparian rainforest community, and although the 20-25 m tall canopy is still dominated by Camphor Laurel, a wide variety of rainforest species are present, including Black Bean (Castanospermum australe), Qld. Maple (Flindersia brayleana), Quandong, Candlenut (Aleurites rockinghamensis), Northern Sassafras (Doryphora aromatica) and Milky Pine. In many areas the understorey is dominated by native species which have naturally recruited, however in other areas exotic species including Fire Spike (Odontonema cuspidata), Night Jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum) and Goose Foot (Syngonium podophyllum) dominate. These three species are known to spread rapidly as they are all able to reshoot from stem fragments. It is presumed that given these species are widespread garden plants, they have established as a result of dumped garden waste, either at this location or from further upstream. Where they occur these species often form monocultures which completely outcompete other species and impede natural regeneration.


In early 2023, Malanda Landcare visited the North Johnstone River site (the southern banks of the river, between the Malanda Bowls Club and the Malanda Kindergarten) and decided to shift their focus from combatting Cherry Guava (Psidium cattleyanum) around Ellinjaa Falls, and revisit their old stomping (or weeding) ground. It was clear that the area was in desperate need of weed management and so they started work straight away. The key objectives include managing weeds, planting out any degraded areas, improving wildlife habitat and re-establishing the walking trail so it can be accessed by the wider community. Up until now the trail has gone relatively unnoticed by the community with only the Malanda Pony Club and a handful of locals making use of it, thus preventing it from becoming completely neglected. 


In June 2023 the first community working bee was held by Malanda Landcare, inviting members of the public to join in to weed the western section of the trail which was one of the worst infested areas. The trail was completely overgrown with Fire Spike and Night Jasmine whilst along the lower bank, large clumps of Guinea Grass (Megathyrsus maximus) interrupted the view of the Johnstone River. 

Fire spike (O. cuspidatum) completely smothering trail, prior to removal, 2023

© G. Horner

Fire spike (O. cuspidatum) flower

© G. Horner

More recently, two community tree planting days have been held supported by funding from the Wet Tropics Management Authority and TRC. Approximately 550 trees, provided by TRC Community Revegetation nursery, were planted across two separate plantings in early 2024. The aim was to stabilise the banks and plant out the areas where weeding had occurred, to prevent sediment from entering the river. The planting list included a mixture of rainforest understorey and primary forest species which were thought to be more tolerant of shaded conditions, given the existing (partly closed) canopy. The lower banks were planted with Red Leaf Fig, Creek Lilly Pilly (Syzygium australe) and Mat-Rush (Lomandra hystrix) and were planted in a way that allows for visibility along several more scenic sections of the walking trail.


About a week after the second planting in late March 2024, the river flooded. The Malanda Falls were no longer falling and were instead flowing level and the bridge looked like it was just about to go under. In the pouring rain I went to check how the seedlings were holding up and to my surprise, the seedlings I could see were still withstanding the heavy flow. Once the river subsided, I checked again and noted that a handful had been dislodged and washed away but the majority were intact and looking as healthy as ever. We all have our fingers crossed that the remaining seedlings survive the upcoming dry season.


The next stage of activities involves shifting focus further upstream, weeding and replanting as necessary. This may also include drilling and poisoning some of the remaining Camphor Laurels to let some light in and allow the native recruits to grow. 


Looking to the future

There is still a lot of work to be done with regard to weeding and re-planting at this site and Malanda Landcare welcome all members of the community to come and join in, to help revitalize this beautiful riverside trail for the benefit of the community.


If you have not yet had an opportunity, I encourage everyone to visit the site and take a wander down the newly weeded and planted trail which meanders in and out of the forest. The trail extends from behind the cattle yards at the showgrounds (you can park up behind the Malanda Lions Shed) to near the Malanda Kindergarten on Ann Street.


Although not remnant vegetation, the trail area is now teeming with birds and other wildlife, and you may be lucky enough to see a platypus or a Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo along the way.

Flooding of the North Johnstone River in late March 2024. The picture is taken from the top of the bank. © G. Horner

Volunteers at a Malanda Landcare working be in early March 2024. © G. Horner



For some years now, TREAT Friday morning volunteers have been patiently subjected to viewing the latest cassowary photos taken at our place. Or as Barry Deacon puts it, “You’re not skiting again, are you?”

So, as penance, Barbara has asked me to write about them instead.


We bought our place at Jaggan in 2002 and immediately set about continuing the rainforest restoration that the previous owners had commenced. Our first cassowary sightings were in April 2006, after Cyclone Larry had destroyed much of the forest and reduced their food supply. Two turned up at that point, eating anything vaguely edible, including marigold flowers, and standing on the verandah looking hopefully at the freezer. They continued to arrive at intervals throughout that year, including an encounter with Pauline’s mother and aunt who were visiting from Victoria and who had to seek refuge behind a garden seat until the birds wandered off.


It was another eleven years before we saw any more. In that time our trees had grown substantially, and most of our neighbours, particularly Lindsay Jorgensen on his large property across the road, had also done extensive plantings. So there was the basis of good cassowary habitat being established.


In 2017 two young sibling cassowaries turned up; one female, one male. They were apparently the progeny of a male who regularly turned up at a Tarzali resort each year with his new family. These two birds, about 15-18 months old, had presumably been evicted by their father when he had incubated his latest clutch at the end of 2016, so they were probably hatched in late 2015. 

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March 2017

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September 2017

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January 2021

Every year since, these same two birds have made occasional visits, growing taller and more colourful as they moved towards adulthood. In January 2021 they appeared with a chick, which, however, disappeared after a few weeks.


In late 2023 the female came by herself for a couple of months, then early this year (2024) the two turned up with another chick, which also only lasted a month or so. We presume the male had been incubating when he was absent before Christmas.


We are unable to determine whether this female is the mother of the chick or whether the male has found another female in the area to mate with. I, for one, am not going to ask her to open her beak to provide a DNA swab.



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Drinking from the pond

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After lunch

As the neighbourhood forests have grown and started to provide a reliable food source, these two birds seem to have established themselves in a territory of approximately four to six square kilometres from the southern end of Hillcrest Rd, east to the Ithaca River and either side of Clarkes Track through to Tarzali. They are now impressive and imposing adults, with full colouring, bright wattles and large casques, particularly the one on the female. We are constantly amazed by how quietly they move – numerous times we’ve looked around, either in the yard or while sitting on our patio to find them just a few metres away. They are not at all put off by our presence – they just wander by as we stand (or sit) and watch.


One of our abiding points of satisfaction is to note that they’ve been eating the fruit of trees that we’ve planted. The first time that I saw them picking up quandong fruit from the lawn is an image that’s still imprinted in my memory. We’ve also collected some of their scats and from them have germinated Davidson’s Plum (Davidsonia pruriens) and Almond Bark (Prunus turneriana) which they’ve gathered from under our trees and digested.


While it’s inspiring to have these prehistoric-looking visitors (and they include us in their rounds on an almost daily basis at present), they are not a totally unmixed blessing. They’ve taken to drinking from our fish pond. We don’t mind that, but because access to the pond is narrow and limited, if one is queued up behind, waiting its turn, the first can only exit through the pond. You can imagine what their claws have done to the plastic pond liner as they wade through. We now have a fibreglass pond, which at least for the moment still holds water.


Our chooks give them a wide berth, rushing back to their shed if they see their large cousins coming up the lawn towards them. Pauline’s collection of succulents has recently taken a beating. And last week the female came onto the patio just after we’d finished lunch and scoffed the skin of a banana we hadn’t yet cleared away. For the next few days we had to eat inside, as they came back at the same time in case we’d left anything else.



So it isn’t necessary to have a large block of land or to be in a remote area away from town to establish suitable habitat for cassowaries, although it does help to have like-minded neighbours and to be reasonably close to an area of existing rainforest. Almost all of the trees we’ve planted have come from the TREAT/QPWS Nursery, so our thanks to staff and volunteers for making it all possible. We had no idea when we started planting what we’d end up with; we just started planting. And we are extremely grateful to have been so richly rewarded.

Weed of the month

Weed of the Month – Grasses John Clarkson

It’s not the snake in the grass you should fear


Guinea grass was the first tropical forage plant introduced to Australia. F.M. Bailey, the Queensland Government Botanist at the time, attributes this to the Queensland Acclimatisation Society in 1867. This was the same group that was responsible for the introduction of pests like rabbits, stoats, weasels and starlings.


Guinea grass was soon followed by many more including para grass, buffel grass and molasses grass. All four were introduced prior to 1914. The peak in introductions was in the 3 decades between 1950 and 1980. The rate of introduction has slowed since. Most of the grasses were imported as potential pasture species. If a species is to be successful as a pasture for Australia’s monsoon tropics it needs to possess a number of character traits. It must be able to:


  • establish from seed with little seedbed preparation, often just the ash bed from a recent fire,

  • disperse from and establish away from the place where it was sown. Often the grazing animal is the primary vector,

  • persist under harsh environmental conditions, including frequent fires, and

  • must be palatable but not too palatable and produce a good body of quality feed.


These are some of the characters that predispose a plant to being weedy and well over 60% of the species introduced between 1900 and 2000 have become naturalised. Some pose significant threats to environmental values and life and property. With so many introduced species why concentrated on grasses?  What are the main problems?

  • They are not native. By itself this is not a problem, but,

  • They are invasive. They will readily spread away from places where they are sown to other areas.

  • They invariably form dense monospecific stands in dryland and wetland situations.

  • They can displace native species leading to serious declines in the biodiversity of both plants and animals.

  • Many species are considerably taller than native species.

  • Some also produce significantly higher biomass than native species leading to frequent hot fires.


I spent the latter half of my career dealing with these consequences. Here is a list of some of the species that occur on the Atherton Tablelands.

  • Gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus)

  • Elephant grass (Cenchrus purpureus)

  • Thatch grass (Hyparrhenia rufa)

  • Guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus)

  • Indian couch (Bothriochloa pertusa)

  • Perennial mission grass (Cenchrus polystachios)

  • Molasses grass (Melinis minutiflora)

  • Grader grass (Themeda quadrivalvis)

  • Annual mission grass (Cenchrus pedicellatus)

  • Olive hymenachne (Hymenachne amplexicaulis)

  • Aleman grass (Echinochloa polystachya)

  • Para grass (Urochloa mutica)


In August 2023 fires swept across the Hawaiian island of Maui leveling the historic town of Lahaina and killing more than 115 people. Within weeks, newspaper and radio reports were pointing to the role invasive grasses played in fuelling the fires. Many of the species listed above were among the species implicated. Could this happen in Australia? Yes, it could, so perhaps we should fear the grasses rather than any snake they might conceal.

Plant Profile

PLANT PROFILE Cryptocarya triplinervisDinah Hansman

The choice for this newsletter’s plant profile is Cryptocarya triplinervis, firstly because it is a widespread, resilient species that should have a place in most revegetation plantings and secondly because it is a representative of one of the largest rainforest families­—the family Lauraceae.

C. triplinervis, aka Brown Laurel is (usually) a small tree that produces copious black fruit small enough (about 8 mm long) to be bite size for a large range of frugivores. On the Atherton Tablelands it fruits in January and February.


C. triplinervis is easy to propagate. TREAT nursery staff harvest branchlets with ripe (black) berries which volunteers then pull from the stems. The flesh can be rubbed off with fingers, or against the mesh of a sieve. If necessary, fruit can be placed in a plastic bag until the flesh is soft. Seeds take around two weeks to germinate and high rates of germination are usual. Seedlings grow quickly and can be potted up and ready for the next wet season.


Like other members of the Laurel family (Lauraceae), C. triplinervis has oil dots visible with a lens. This oil is released when leaves are crushed and smells like a mixture of cinnamon and camphor. Many species in Lauraceae have wax on the underside of the leaves, but this is not so obvious with C. triplinervis.


This laurel is easy to identify because it has a distinctive venation pattern. The midrib and two lateral veins meet near the base of the leaf. Camphor laurel, an exotic (weed) is related to Cryptocarya triplinervis and has a similar venation pattern but it smells like camphor (surprise) and the lateral veins run most of the length of the leaf.


Cryptocaryas along with most other Lauraceae species are hosts for the blue triangle butterfly, which favours laurels with a red flush of new growth.Cryptocarya is a genus with more than 350 species that occur around the world in tropical and subtropical regions.


Three varieties of C. triplinervis are recognised, distinguished by where they grow, and supposedly by the hairs on their leaves. However, there is a lot of variation across the distribution and, in the nursery, we distinguish seedlings by their regional ecosystem and call them all simply C. triplinervis

Cryptocarya triplinervis var. pubens occurs from north east Queensland to north-eastern NSW up to 750 m and also grows in dry rainforest and along creeks and rivers further inland. ‘Pubens’ refers to the tortuous and erect hairs on the underside of the leaf but, to be honest, the C. triplinervis we see here are not hairy.


Cryptocarya triplinervis var. riparia occurs on Cape York Peninsula and north east Queensland in gallery forest along creeks and rivers (hence the name ‘riparia’) up to 400 m altitude. Mature leaves are glabrous (not hairy).


Cryptocarya triplinervis var. triplinervis occurs in Queensland, NSW and Lord Howe Island in littoral rainforest and on sandy soils.

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C. triplinervis fruit and cleaned seed

Rubbing flesh off Cryptocarya triplinervis fruit TREAT 20220121.jpg

Cleaning the seed

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Left: C. triplinervis, Right: Camphor laurel

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C. triplinervis young seedling

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C. triplinervis tubestock with pink new growth


2024 PLANTING SEASON - Barb Lanskey

Over 15,000 trees were planted in the scheduled 8 community plantings earlier this year. With a wetter season than in recent years, conditions were great for the trees. Volunteers turned up regardless of the weather. 


Some of the plantings were hot and humid, some windy, some with drizzle, and some had perfect cloudy conditions. In all cases the soil was moist and it was only at the Wongabel planting that the trees were watered immediately after planting. The memorable planting weather-wise was at McAuliffe’s where conditions were great to start with, but it started raining lightly half-way through and kept raining. Most people didn’t have their raincoats with them, so got thoroughly drenched, and the BBQ afterwards in a dry garage was most welcome before heading home.


Volunteer numbers were swelled by students from the School for Field Studies (SFS) at 4 of the plantings and at the Wongabel planting, students from the School for International Training were also there. They helped with augering holes for planting as well as planting. The McAuliffe planting had the fewest volunteers, only 40, and that planting took longer than the usual 2 hours or less.


The trees are always mulched after planting to help keep weeds at bay and to retain moisture. The Misty Mountain Nature Refuge site had great mulch that had started to decompose with all the rain there. Other sites had enough mulch on hand from sprayed grass, but at the Clarkson site, bales of hay were brought in and the SFS students ferried them around with their typical youthful enthusiasm.


The two BBQ teams did a wonderful job as usual (catering for 103 at Wongabel) and are much appreciated at the end of a planting. Everyone goes home happy to have been part of a worthwhile event.

Nursery News

NURSERY NEWS - Peter Snodgrass


It has been another very busy wet season so far with trees being planted all over the tablelands. A huge thank you to all the volunteers who continue to turn up every week to ensure we produce the required amount of trees and plants for so many significant TREAT, QPWS and TREAT member sites in time for the wet season. These amazing efforts flow out into the hardening bays of the nursery throughout this very wet period, preparing trees for distribution to all of those projects.


We have been very fortunate with the rain as far as planted trees are concerned with very little watering required. Having said that, it has been great to see that the extremely wet conditions have not deterred anyone from turning up on planting days and walking some substantial distances in muddy conditions to get the trees in the ground.


The planting in the Forty Mile Scrub National Park has been doing exceptionally well with good rain and the exclusion fence keeping the wallabies at bay. All species at the site are performing well and we hope to increase the planting area in this coming season.


All of the plantings from the past couple of years in the Wongabel Conservation Area are looking fabulous. The growth rate of the trees is great and the sites are very tidy thanks to the great maintenance work by NQ Land Management Services. The 2024 planting on the Wongabel site completed the buffer zone at the front of the site that runs parallel to the Kennedy Highway. This area is also doing very well with the continuous rain. A huge thank you to Tony, Jack and the 19 students from the World Learning – School for International Training (SIT) for assisting QPWS nursery and Tinaroo staff with preparing the site and also planting on the day. We greatly appreciate their support on an annual basis. It’s great having the SIT and School for Field Studies students through the nursery as well. Not just to share knowledge but also to experience the efforts of a highly motivated revegetation group such as TREAT when they are in full swing during the Friday morning working bees. An experience they also receive when these efforts flow on out into the field on scheduled planting days. The feedback from both groups is always extremely positive.


While the rain has had a positive effect on most revegetation sites, last year’s planting in the Eubenangee Swamp National Park has spent lengthy periods inundated with water. Although it is typical to have lengthy wet periods in the swamp, this season has seen the water not only hang around, but also higher levels being maintained by the rainfall. These youngest trees being totally submerged for so long has caused the loss of around 50% of the trees in the 2023 site. With this being the case, efforts this year will focus on infilling the 2023 site instead of opening up a new area. This has been the most unfortunate year to date, but on a positive note, success of plantings from over more than 30 years has averaged over 90%. This is a fantastic result overall.


Observations of TREAT plantings of recent years are showing outstanding results. With phenomenal growth rates overall, canopy closure is being achieved in mostly under 3 years. This means that the sites are also very clean, and the natural regeneration is increasing rapidly. These results at such early stages are fantastic and show that the framework methodology being utilised with a good maintenance regime is achieving very successful outcomes throughout TREAT’s revegetation projects.


Production of trees for next season is looking very good, so thank you once more to everyone for your tireless efforts in the nursery. This gratitude also extends to Sandra and all those involved with preparing the inspirational morning teas week in week out. The highlight of the week.



Argyrodendron trifoliata.jpg
Fruit Collection Diary

FRUIT COLLECTION DIARY January to March 2024

Common Name
Regional Ecosystem
Collection Date
Aglaia australiensis
Brown Ripples
Aglaia euryanthera
Aglaia sapindina
Aleurites rockinghamensis
7.8.2, 7.8.3
14/2, 6/3/2024
Allocasuarina torulosa
River Oak
Alphitonia petrei
White Ash
8/2, 20/3/2024
Argyrodendron trifoliolatum
Brown Booyong
23/1, 1/2/2024
Callitris macleayana
Cypress Pine
Carnivonia araliifolia var. montana
Red Silky Oak
Clerodendron longiflorum
Witches Tongues
Cordia dichotoma
Glue Berry Tree
7.8.3, 9.8.3
18/1, 14/2/2024
Cryptocarya pleurosperma
Poison Laurel
Cryptocarya triplinervis
Brown Laurel
Daphnandra rapandula
Northen Sassafras
Darlingia darlingiana
Brown Silky Oak
Diospyrus humilis
Black Ebony
Drypetes deplanchei
20/12/23, 17/1/2024
Dysoxylum parasiticum
Yellow Mahogany
Elaeocarpus grandis
Blue Quandong
Emmenosperma alphitonioides
14/2, 20/3/2024
Endiandra insignis
Rusty Walnut
10/1, 25/1/2024
Endiandra palmerstonii
Black Walnut
Euroschinus falcatus
Pink Poplar
7.8.2, 7.8.3
23/1, 01/2/2024
Ficus crassipes
Round Leaf Banana Fig
Ficus destruens
Strangler Fig
28/2, 13/3/2024
Ficus leptoclada
Atherton Fig
Ficus pleurocarpa
Banana Fig
28/2, 14/3/2024
Ficus opposita
Sandpaper Fig
Ficus rubiginosa
Port Jackson Fig
Ficus watkinsiana
Watkin's Fig
Flindersia bourjotiana
Northern Silver Ash
Flindersia brayleana
Queensland Maple
Gilbeea adenopetala
Pink Alder
Gmelina fasciculiflora
White Beech
Gossia bidwillii
Python Tree
20/12/23, 17/1/2024
Guoia lasioneura
Silky Tamarind
9/1, 25/1/2024
Homolanthus novo-guineensis
Bleeding Heart
8/2, 29/2/2024
Karrabina biagiana
Brush Mahogany
13/3, 14/3/2024
Lophostemon suaveolens
Swamp Mahogany
Mallotus mollissimus
Woolly Kamala
23/1, 14/2/2024
Mallotus phillipensis
Red Kamala
Mallotus polyadenos
Melicope rubra
Little Evodia
29/2, 20/3/2024
Neisosperma poweri
Red Boat Tree
Neolitsea dealbata
White Bollywood
28/2, 14/3/2024
Parachidendron pruinosum
Pilidiostigma tropicum
Apricot Myrtle
7.8.2, 7.8.4
3/1, 08/2/2024
Prumnopitys amara
Black Pine
7.8.2, 7.8.4
10/1, 25/1/2024
Pullea stutzeri
Hard Alder
7.8.2, 7.8.4
25/1, 07/3/2024
Rhysotoechia robertsonii
Robert's Tuckeroo
Stenocarpus sinuatus
03/1, 4/1/2024
Synima cordiororum
10/1, 25/1/2024
Syzygium alatoramulum
Tinkling Satinash
Syzygium australe
Creek Cherry
7.8.3, 7.8.4
4/1, 07/3/2024
Toona ciliata
Red Cedar
Vanroyena castanosperma
Poison Plum
8/2, 28/2/2024

Species and Common names taken from 'Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants Edition 8' online key:

PO Box 1119, Atherton, QLD 4883
Lake Eacham Nursery, McLeish Road, Lake Eacham

The right tree in the right place for the right reason
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