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Resources TREAT newsletter.jpg

TREAT publishes a newsletter 4 times a year. Previous newsletters are available here.

Resources IN 1 Planting AF.jpg

A summary of TREAT’s 40 years’ experience of how to go about planning and preparing for planting, planting techniques and site maintenance for rainforest restoration.

Resources IN 2 Species selection Syzygium leaves djh.jpg

The importance of choosing the right species for your site and how to go about it.

Resources IN 3 Propagation djh.jpg

Techniques for successfully growing your own plants from seed.

Repairing the rainforest.jpeg

A guide for land care and rehabilitation of tropical forests in the Wet Tropics region of Australia. Highlights key ecological principles for restoring rainforest biodiversity and function.


Note this documentment is 49 mb. Printed version available at the nursery.

Resources Planting for wildlife Tree Kangaroo djh.jpg

What to plant for tree kangaroos.

Resources Planting for Wildlife Bats djh.jpg

The importance of bat biodiversity and how to support it.

Resources Litoria xanthomera djh.jpg

How to plant a frog friendly garden.

Resources Reveg costs AF.jpg

This WTMA report examines the costs of biodiverse tree-planting on the southern Atherton Tablelands through time and compares the direct costs of biodiverse tree-planting versus pasture conversion at one experimental project site.

Resources Carbon Farming Agathis microstachya djh.jpg

A guide to Carbon Farming for ecological planting on the Atherton Tablelands. Final report from the Freeman's Forest pilot project (May 2019). Prepared by Cath Moran, David Hudson and David Skelton.

Resources Mabi Curtain Fig djh.jpg

A description of Mabi Forest, its importance and common species.

Resources Links Alphitonia leaves djh.jpeg

Links to websites concerning habitat restoration and Tablelands’ rainforests.

Resources TREAT projects Green Possum djh.jpg

Coming soon....A more detailed description of TREAT’s major corridor projects.

Resources Weeds djh.jpeg

Coming soon ....Major environmental weeds on the Tablelands & how to avoid them. 

PO Box 1119, Atherton, QLD 4883
Lake Eacham Nursery, McLeish Road, Lake Eacham

The right tree in the right place for the right reason
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