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IN THIS ISSUE (Items are included in TREAT News for their interest to members and do not necessarily express TREAT's views)

BioBlitz comes to Malanda

Spectacled Flying Foxes

Nursery News

Fruit Collection Diary


Date              Location                                                                    Trees        Landowner    

Sat Feb 8      RN 239 Winfield Rd, Lake Eacham                           2000           McAuliffe


Sat Feb 22    RN 304 Topaz Rd, Butchers Ck                                  2500           MacPherson


Sat Mar 1       Kennedy Highway, Wongabel                                   1500           QPWS


Sat Mar 8     Misty Mountain NR, Millaa Millaa                               2000          SET


Sat Mar 15    RN 128 Gourka Rd, Topaz                                             3000          Careless/Watson

NR - Nature Refuge

SET - South Endeavour Trust

• All plantings start at 8am. Please car-pool as much as possible.

• Bring a hat, sunscreen and water, plus gloves and a trowel if you have them.

• Look for the TREAT signs for directions when close to each planting.

• TREAT will provide a barbecue after each planting.

• To check for likely changes due to weather conditions, be on the email list for update information. To be on the email list, email


The first 3 plantings are continuing work at sites where we planted last year. The Misty Mountain NR site this year will be on the Lookout side of the East Evelyn road. The last planting at Gourka Rd is a new site.


There are only 5 community plantings scheduled this year, but many more trees are being planted in the landscape. Many TREAT members plant trees for their own projects on their properties. Thousands more are being planted commercially by others such as NQ Land Management Services, thanks to funding from various sources.

WT Restoration Alliance Workshop
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What is a BioBlitz?

A BioBlitz is a citizen science activity that involves an intensive biological study of a specific area, where participants, ranging from subject experts to researchers, students and nature enthusiasts, all take part in a field study and record as many living species as possible with the aim of gaining a better scientific understanding of that location. It is an opportunity for ordinary people to meet and learn from experts and work together whilst sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm for nature.

Malanda BioBlitz background

Like some of you, I am fortunate to have been taught about the wonders of nature at a young age and it is something for which I am incredibly grateful. Sharing and cultivating this interest is something I see as one of my responsibilities as a parent. However, I am often surprised to see or hear that some kids don’t get the opportunity to connect with nature, to get outside, go on walks or get muddy…. whereby they miss out on exploring their curiosity of the natural world.

My daughter currently attends Malanda State School, and given my interest in ecology, for a while I had been thinking of ways in which the school could participate in more outdoor-style learning to help foster students’ ecological literacy. 

One day whilst walking on a rather unknown local trail along the North Johnstone River at Malanda, I had an idea that this would be a perfect location for the school to take part in the “adopt-a-plot” concept, where students become stewards of a specific piece of forest and take care to rehabilitate and study the site over their school life. This specific area had been subject to rehabilitation activities throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, had a well-established rainforest community, and was only a block away from the school. That’s it. I decided to make contact with the Malanda State School STEM teacher to float the idea.

That same night, I was flicking through my emails and I saw a grant opportunity offered by the Queensland Government to fund projects that addressed one or more of  the following goals: a) increase student participation in STEM subjects and promote STEM careers, b) increase community participation in citizen science to grow scientific literacy and contribute to scientific discovery, and /or c) increase awareness of Queensland’s great science and grow opportunities for engagement with scientists. 

With the grant goals as my guide, over the next few weeks the Malanda BioBlitz was born. 


Project Planning

My first point of call was Malanda Landcare with whom I was hoping to collaborate on the project. By an extraordinary coincidence, the group were just about to shift their focus away from tackling cherry guava at Ellinjaa Falls and move their activities to the banks of the North Johnstone River at Malanda, the exact same place where I had envisaged the Malanda BioBlitz taking place. 

In the early stages of developing the project, given the widespread interest from those I was speaking to in the community, it was decided to create an activity, not only for students at Malanda State School but rather an event which could offer the opportunity for the entire community to take part and learn about local wildlife from the incredible wildlife experts, scientists and researchers that we are so lucky to have living among us.

From the beginning, Malanda State School was all on board and excited about the opportunity for students to be involved in the learning activities as well as for the overall benefits to our little town. Malanda Girl Guides were keen to help facilitate the project. Tablelands Regional Council, the Wet Tropics Management Authority, Choorechillum PBC and School for Field Studies (SFS) threw their support behind the project, as did all the local environmental groups I had contacted, including TREAT, Tree Kangaroo and Mammal Group (TKMG), Birdlife North Queensland and North Queensland Natural History Group.

Once the project was finalised, the key objectives included:

1. Building stronger connections between local schools and community to their local environment.

2. Increasing knowledge of local biodiversity and engage in citizen science.

3. Increasing social capital by encouraging new connections between schools, community and local scientists and researchers, including via increased membership and/or participation in local wildlife groups’ activities.

4. Improving awareness of the importance of citizen science and encourage the utilization of iNaturalist by participants, extending beyond the event.

6. Improving community awareness of First Nations People’s connection to country.

7. Increasing participation in local Landcare activities.

8. Establishing a stewardship role between Malanda State School and the project site with continued incorporation of site-based activities into their STEM curriculum.

A broader goal, beyond the scope of the BioBlitz event but for which it was anticipated to act as a catalyst, was an upgrade of the existing walking trail, supported by a long-term rehabilitation program.

After much encouragement and support from the community, in early 2024 we were successful in acquiring grant funding for the project through the Queensland Government’s Engaging Science Grants Program. 

Additional funding for the project was provided by the Wet Tropics Management Authority, Tablelands Regional Council and a few local businesses (Nightingale Real Estate, Elders Real Estate Malanda, Malanda Pharmacy and Bega) kindly made donations. 


The BioBlitz event

On Friday 8th and Saturday 9th November 2024, Malanda Landcare hosted the inaugural Malanda BioBlitz along the southern banks of the North Johnstone River, Malanda. 

A project ‘hub’ was set up at the Malanda Girl Guides Hut and the adjacent Scouts Hut was used as a workshop area. The larger project site, wherein all activities were to take place, encompassed the riparian community along the southern banks of the North Johnstone River and the adjacent parklands, stretching from the cattle yards adjacent to the Malanda Caravan Park downstream to the Malanda Kindergarten near Dungavel Park. The project was entirely held on council reserve (see map below).

The event was designed as an intensive all day scientific study where scientists, students and nature enthusiasts connect and take part in investigating what species are present in our local area and build on our current knowledge, all the while contributing to citizen science and building social capital. Everyone was to work together to gather observations, identify species and collate data on birds, plants, mammals, insects, reptiles and more. 


Malanda BioBlitz Site Map

​​The Friday event was a schools-only event and a program had been developed specifically for primary school aged students by local wildlife experts. Malanda State School, Butchers Creek State School and several families from Tablelands Home Education Group attended the day with approximately 500 students taking part in activities. The event was opened by an engaging welcome to country by Ngadjon Jii Traditional Owner Uncle Tom Gertz. 

Four session times were set up and students were able to take part in multiple activities. In total, 18 different activities were offered, including (but not limited to): pitfall trap surveys with Alan Gillanders where students were introduced to arthropod identification, butterfly surveys with Peter Valentine, reptile surveys with Angus Emmott, guided rainforest walks led by Ngadjon Jii Uncle Tom Gertz, turtle survey with Alastair Freeman, electric ant survey and baiting with Biosecurity Queensland, critter cam sessions with Leanne Hales where students learned about local mammals ‘captured’ across the site using wildlife cameras, nature art sessions with local artist Abbey Wilson and tree planting with Malanda Landcare where students were taught the right way to plant a tree. Each student planted their own tree and labelled it so they are able to revisit the site to care for it and watch it grow.

With some minor delays in session start times and slight hiccups resulting from last-minute changes to scheduling, all-in-all the day went well. All day, kids were buzzing and teachers were commenting at the high levels of engagement by the students. The main comment from the schools was “when is the next one?”!

​​​The Saturday event was open to the wider community and thankfully for early November, the weather was perfect, if not a little too hot. Workshops that had been planned to be held in the Scouts Hut had to be shifted outside due to the heat and fortunately we were provided sufficient space and shade by a magnificent red cedar tree out the back.

Throughout the day, a variety of activities were on offer. Participants could join in on specialist wildlife surveys, for example, early morning and late afternoon bird surveys led by BirdLife NQ, aquatic invertebrate survey and workshop with a local expert entomologist, rainforest plant surveys led by botanists from the Australian Tropical Herbarium, or a rainforest families plant identification workshop by one of our talented TREAT members. Otherwise, people could take part in nature-based art and craft activities or get involved in workshop activities where survey teams were collating their data and identifying specimens and if people were interested, they could sit down and assist or just observe.

An environmental focussed expo was also set up at the central hub and attendees could browse the stalls hosted by local environmental groups (TREAT, TKMG) and government organisations (Biosecurity QLD, QPWS) and learn about the wonderful projects and initiatives taking place in our local area. A range of presentations were also provided on topics such as ‘Wildlife Rescue on the Tablelands’ and ‘Possums of North Queensland’. 

All activities were open to the public and the entire event was free and completely volunteer led and run.

It was estimated that over 300 people attended on the Saturday, including approximately 35 wildlife experts and survey assistants.

For many people, it was their first time to talk to and connect with the local community groups. I am hoping that the event will result in increased participation with local groups, as we are all well aware of the environmental and personal benefits that come from being part of a community group, along with the fact that it helps build social cohesion.

For me, it was uplifting to know that there are so many in our community who are interested and invested in our local environment. There were many new faces I hadn’t seen before, including many families new to the region.

The Malanda BioBlitz could not have happened without the generosity and hard work from the experts and community members who all volunteered their time to create this great event. ​​

Survey results

How lucky we were to have the assistance of the students from SFS. As part of their semester activities, SFS students took part in several activities at the Malanda BioBlitz, one of which included the collation of all wildlife data collected during the event. Students gathered species data from all survey teams and summarised this into a final report. They also uploaded all relevant data (those with accompanying images) to the citizen science platform iNaturalist.

As at 1st January 2025, a total of 422 species has been recorded and identified as part of the event, being 260 plants, 17 fungi, 73 invertebrates and 72 vertebrates. Of these, six species are listed as vulnerable, near threatened or endangered under the Commonwealth EPBC Act 1999 or State NC Regulation 2020:

·       Spectacled flying fox (Pteropus conspicillatus) – Endangered (EPBC and NC Regulation)

·       Diadem leaf-nosed bat (Hipposideros diadema reginae) – Near Threatened (NC Regulation)

·       Lumholtz’s tree kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) – Near Threatened (NC Regulation)

·       Tapping green eyed tree frog (Litoria serrata) – Vulnerable (NC Regulation)

·       Double-eyed fig parrot (Cyclopsitta diopthalma macleayana) - Vulnerable (NC Regulation)

·       Iron malletwood (Rhodamnia sessiliflora) – Endangered (NC Regulation).

The most intensively surveyed group were plants, many of which (31%) were exotic species, including firespike (Odontonema tubaeforme), mickey mouse plant (Ochna serrata) and night scented jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum), all of which are being gradually removed as part of landcare activities in the area.

Invertebrates represented the next most species-rich set of observations, including insects (19 spp.) followed by spiders (Arachnida: 18 spp.), other beetles (Coleoptera: 15 spp.) and moths (Lepidoptera: 9 spp.). Among the beetles, dung beetles were the most representative group, with 11 species, all of which were collected from baited pitfall traps in the forest. Most of the dung beetles were from the genus Onthophagus, although one undescribed species (Amphistomus sp.) was recorded. The majority of the Lepidoptera were moths (8 spp.) with only one species identified as a butterfly (Hypolimnas bolina). Paucity of butterfly collections was put down to the time of year.  Other insects included those belonging to the orders Trichoptera (caddisflies), Orthoptera (grasshoppers and crickets), and Phasmatodea (stick insects). Of the four phasmids recorded, one undescribed species (Anchiale sp.) was observed. The Dungavel Park population is one of only two known locations of the species since it was discovered.

Six reptiles and two amphibians were observed including a carpet python (Morelia spilota), Irwin’s snapping turtle (Elseya irwini), saw-shelled turtle (Myuchelys latisternum) and the exotic cane toad (Rhinella marina).

Birds were the most species-rich vertebrate group with 55 spp. While the majority were forest dwellers, there were 11 rainforest generalist species, including 7 rainforest dependent species, 2 aquatic birds and 3 species of special least concern, including the black faced monarch, spectacled monarch and the rufous fantail. The only exotic bird observed was the common myna.

No mammal trapping was done as part of the BioBlitz and as a result the total number of mammal species recorded at the site is lower than the anticipated number of species present. Mammals (9 spp.) were mostly represented by bats (Chiroptera: 7 spp.), records of which were collected using passive methods via echolocation recording devices. Two species of conservation significance were recorded, the diadem leaf-nosed bat (Hipposideros diadema) recorded using the passive recording device and the spectacled flying fox (Pteropus conspicillatus) which was visually observed using the re-vegetated riparian forest as habitat. There were also two sightings of the Lumholtz’s tree kangaroo (Dendrolagus lumholtzi) which is listed as near threatened in Queensland.

For those who are not familiar with the site, the area comprises a narrow, revegetated riparian community which was completely cleared up until the 1980s when intentional plantings commenced, initially forestry timbers (Tallowwood – Eucalyptus microcorys), then native riparian plantings to revegetate the riverbank (see TREAT Apr-June 2024 newsletter).

The results from the Malanda Bioblitz demonstrate that urban/peri-urban revegetation activities including those comprising relatively narrow vegetation corridors, can provide habitat for a wide variety of species including those with conservation significance. Furthermore, it shows that if one cares to look a little bit closer, there is so much more (biodiversity) to see.


The future

On the Saturday afternoon a young student from Yungaburra State School came up and asked me if we could hold a BioBlitz at her school next year. She was one of a handful of students who had asked the same question over the two days. It was incredibly heartening to see how much the kids (and adults) got from the day and I am hopeful that we succeeded in planting the seed for those who participated, to continue on their journey of scientific discovery.

Given the all-round positive feedback from attendees, stall holders, wildlife experts and local schools, it is clear the event made a positive contribution to the community. Discussions are currently taking place regarding the future of the BioBlitz. For anyone interested in being involved in a future event, please email me at:

For many people this was also their first time of walking along this section of the river, a relatively unknown trail which weaves in and out of the riparian community all the way to the Malanda Falls Caravan Park. For anyone who hasn’t been down there, I encourage you to go. Even though it is close to town, there is a lovely ambience when walking along the riverside trail. Furthermore, if you are keen to assist in the rehabilitation of the site, keep an eye out for the next Malanda Landcare community working bee, which will be advertised on their Facebook page or the local noticeboards around Malanda.


​For those of you not familiar with it, iNaturalist ( is an easy to use online tool that provides a way to connect with nature and the wider citizen science community wherever you are. All you have to do is download the app and start making observations with your smartphone. Even if you don’t know what it is you are looking at, the global iNaturalist community includes experts who can help you with the identification. Observations are valuable in that they help scientists and resource managers gain a better understanding of where organisms occur which can assist for example, in conservation planning or invasive species management. 

Spectacled Flying Foxes
Plant Profile
Spectacled flying fox Cape Tribulation 20160614.jpeg


Think Yungaburra – a vibrant and historic village on the Atherton Tablelands that attracts a lot of tourists every year. The Peterson Creek walk is the highlight of a visit to Yungaburra for many, as well as for locals, but in late 2024 it also became the site of an ecological disaster for an endangered species considered a keystone species for our forests.


We have been aware of tick paralysis affecting spectacled flying foxes (SFF) between October and December every year since 1990. The numbers and camps affected vary each year, though all camps are on the southern Atherton Tablelands. Last year a camp near Malanda was the most affected, the year before it was Tolga. This year it was Yungaburra when over 565 SFF pups and over 500 adults were found dead or in need of rescue on twice daily searches of the Yungaburra camp along Peterson Creek. Our tick season signage means that we get quite a lot of calls from tourists/locals as well, so we were there up to 4 times a day on some days. Tick season unfortunately is also birthing season. Among the pups were 77 with severe cleft palate syndrome, most found with the placenta still attached. Others were found live on tick paralysis mothers or alone, and a large number already dead. We suspect many of the dead and alone pups had mothers who died from tick paralysis while away from camp at night. 

Tolga Bat Hospital has been managing and monitoring tick paralysis and birth abnormalities in SFF camps for nearly 30 years. We are in the camps daily in tick season to be able to save as many lives as possible, as well as humanely euthanase all those that need it. Daily searches are also necessary to find the newborn pups with cleft palate syndrome, before they are scavenged. This year has seen by far the largest number of pups born in any one year with cleft palate syndrome. Research suggests the cause is an environmental toxin interacting with a gene.  


We have never had the resources to count the dead before but Federal Government funding through Terrain has made our data collection more robust. This year from Yungaburra there were 230 live pups and 330 dead pups including those with cleft palate syndrome (77). Another 33 live pups came into care from other camps, mainly Tolga. Of the 547 tick paralysis adults, 507 were from Yungaburra, 250 were found dead and only 33 were treatable and released. As bad as these figures are, these are only the bats found in the camp, and we’ll never know the numbers that fall when out at night feeding. 


Tick paralysis is a rapidly progressive disease caused by a toxin in the tick’s saliva that attacks the nervous system. Unfortunately, we cannot find the bats with tick paralysis until they fall from the trees and so the paralysis is usually already affecting their heart, lungs and ability to swallow. Most cannot be treated successfully and need to be euthanased. Most Australian wildlife have lived with tick paralysis for a very long time and have good immunity but it seems flying foxes have only been affected for about 40 years. It’s an agonising death for them.

Some years over 300 - 500 live pups enter our care from Tableland camps, so from the data this year we can probably safely extrapolate that there were at least the same number in dead pups during those tick seasons. The camps with the largest numbers affected by tick paralysis have usually been those with the largest numbers, but not always. The camp at the Malaan (between Ravenshoe and Millaa Millaa) has been an exception. Some years it is the largest SFF camp in the Wet Tropics with up to 30,000 bats, yet it is barely impacted by tick paralysis. 


Variations in numbers affected by the ticks depend on a number of factors: the numbers of SFF at the various camps on the southern Atherton Tablelands, the numbers of paralysis ticks in the landscape, the amount of food resources up high, and the amount and desirability of low hanging fruit such as wild tobacco (Solanum mauritianum) that brings them into contact with the ticks. 


All euthanased flying foxes in good condition are put in the freezer for a research team from University of Queensland who visit later in the year. Most bats are in excellent body condition, having only succumbed to the tick in the previous day or two. This is such a waste of one of our main long-distance pollinators and seed dispersers in the Wet Tropics, and a significant threat for this endangered species.  The SFF Recovery Team was established in 2021 and a draft recovery plan was recently submitted to the federal government. It will be available for public comment by mid 2025.

Terrain NRM has obtained $2.2 million in federal funding to boost SFF recovery and a large part of this is a project to manage wild tobacco on the southern Tablelands. There is good evidence that most of the bats encounter the ticks while feeding on wild tobacco, and it could also contain the mystery environmental toxin causing the cleft palate syndrome. 


 This year we will soft release about 300 SFF pups in the Tolga Scrub. Some of these pups come from other carers on the coast. Flying foxes are a metapopulation, meaning hand-reared pups can safely be soft released at any camp in the Wet Tropics. A successful release relies on having a safe accessible location for several months of support feeding. All pups and adults are microchipped before release. 

A huge thanks to all those in our community who support us in a myriad of ways to make our work possible. From those who bring old newspapers or excess fruit, to those who volunteer on a regular basis to help with cleaning cages, preparing food, washing milk bottles etc Thanks also to the many international and national volunteers who work 7 days a week for the 3-8 weeks they are here, and the paid and unpaid permanent Bat Hospital staff who provide the continuity and expertise/experience needed for an operation of this size. This work requires significant funding and monthly donations from Atherton District Animal Welfare go a long way to pay for feeding the rehabilitating bats. Our award-winning visitor centre gives us an independent means of income, but we also rely on donations (tax-deductible) and some grants.

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Nursery News

NURSERY NEWS - Peter Snodgrass

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year period and you are feeling revitalised and ready for the year ahead.

While it was good to receive the much needed rain in the early part of 2024, it was also good to have some sun on the trees to boost the growth rates when it finally stopped. The young trees have really shot up around the place. The weeds and grasses also did exceptionally well in the wet weather so it was great to have a dry spell to enable us to catch up on site maintenance at various planting sites.

As mentioned in the previous nursery news, the Fleabane (Conyza sp.) presence at one of the Wongabel sites had become very substantial. This required a manual approach to bring it back under control. With the assistance of the QPWS Tinaroo management unit (TMU) and the young crew from VPG (Vocational Partnerships Group) led by Tim Barker, we were able to get it back under control in a day and a half. We followed up with a spray application a week later and fertilised at the same time. Since then, the frost survivors have shot back and are powering on.

Unfortunately, of the 2,500 trees planted in 2024, there will be up to 1500 needing to be replaced due to frost damage. We have increased the number of frost tolerant tree species for the 2025 Wongabel sites in case there is frost again this year.  We are going to schedule a day for some time in May, to set up frost guards around the majority of trees. This could possibly be a Saturday morning working bee, but I will ask TREAT to send out a notification closer to the day.

QPWS have prepared another hectare in the south west corner of the Wongabel Conservation Area that will be funded and planted with QPWS/TREAT trees by ‘Reforest’. This is being coordinated through Terrain NRM. ‘Reforest’ are also funding the maintenance of this site, an initiative that is possibly going to continue for the next few years.

The previous planting at the Forty Mile Scrub National Park is performing well due to the wallaby exclusion fence that prevents them from grazing on the planted trees. The team from the Undara Volcanic National Park have fenced another area adjacent to the previous site and approximately 700 trees will be planted there on the 15th January, with gratefully appreciated assistance from TREAT volunteers.

Also, most of you will know of the gazebos used throughout the nursery during Friday morning working bees, that provide shelter from the sun and the rain for volunteers while performing maintenance tasks on plant stock in the nursery hardening bays. Some of the frames had reached their use-by date and TREAT replaced some of these, purchased additional ones as well as some new covers for the frames that were still in good condition. Thanks again to TREAT as this enables us to provide much needed, safe, protected work spaces in the nursery.

If you have already started your own planting, I’m sure that everything is looking very happy with the current conditions. If you haven’t started yet then I hope your planting areas are ready to go. The stock in the nursery is looking fabulous, so I’m pleased that distribution and planting is underway. If you are planning to submit an application for trees through TREAT, please do it soon so we can ensure that we allow for the needs of your particular sites.

It is pleasing to see so many new volunteers joining over the past year and getting involved in all things TREAT. There is a lot of tree planting to occur this year over some very significant sites. We look forward to seeing all those that can assist wherever they can, be that with tree plantings, production in the nursery, or both.

Fruit Collection Diary
Argyrodendron trifoliata.jpg

FRUIT COLLECTION DIARY October to December 2024

Common Name
Regional Ecosystem
Collection Date
Agathis microstachya
 Bull Kauri
Alloxylon flammeum
Pink Silky Oak
Aristolochia acuminata
Native Dutchman
Arytera divaricata
Rose Tamarind
Asplenium australasicum
Bird's Nest Fern
Athertonia diversifolia
Atherton Oak
Auranticarpa papyracea
Green Paperbark
Beilschmiedia bancroftii
Yellow Walnut
Beilschmiedia brunnea
Brown Walnut
Beilschmiedia oligandra
Ivory Walnut
Beilschmiedia recurva
Khaki Bark
Beilschmiedia volckii
Blush Walnut
Bowenia spectabilis
Zamia Fern
Buckinghamia celsissima
Ivory Curl
7.8.2, 7.8.3
16/10, 30/10/2024
Carallia brachiata
Freshwater Mangrove
Cardwellia sublimis
Bull Oak
7.8.2, 7.3.10
31/10, 14/11/2024
Carnarvonia araliifolia var. araliifolia
Red Silky Oak
Carnarvonia araliifolia var. montana
Red Oak
7.8.2, 7.8.3
21/11, 21/10/2024
Castanospora alphandii
Brown Tamarind
Chionanthus ramiflora
Northern Olive
7.8.2, 7.8.3
3/10, 8/10/2024
Clerodendrum floribundum
Cordyline cannifolia
Palm Lily
Corynocarpus cribbianus
Cryptocarya murrayi
Murray's Laurel
Cryptocarya oblata
Tarzali Silkwood
7.8.4, 7.8.2
24/10, 30/10/2024
Cupaniopsis flagelliformis
Brown Tuckeroo
Daphnandra rapandula
Yellow Sassafras
Darlingia ferruginea
Rusty Silky Oak
Diploglottis bernieana
Giant Leaf Tamarind
Diploglottis bracteata
Boonjee Tamarind
Dysoxylum papuanum
Spicy Mahogany
Dysoxylum rufum
Rusty Mahogany
7.8.2, 7.8.4
26/09, 30/10/2024
Elaeocarpus grandis
Blue Quandong
Elaeocarpus largiflorens
Tropical Quandong
Elaeocarpus ruminatus
Brown Quandong
Endiandra acuminata
Grey Walnut
Endiandra bessaphila
Blush Walnut
Endiandra glauca
Brown Walnut
Endiandra monothyra
Rose Walnut
Endiandra montana
Montana Walnut
Endiandra palmerstonii
Black Walnut
Endiandra sankeyana
Sankeys's Walnut
7.8.2, 7.8.4
17/10, 23/10/2024
Ficus crassipes
Round Leaf Banana Fig
Ficus destruens
Rusty Fig
Ficus leptoclada
Atherton Fig
Ficus obliqua
Small Leaved Fig
Ficus watkinsiana
Watkins Fig
Flindersia brayleana
Queensland Maple
Garcinia warrenii
Native Mangosteen
Geijera salicifolia
Glochidion harveyanum
Harvey's Buttonwood
Gmelina fasiculiflora
White Beech
Helicia australasica
Austral Oak
Helicia lamingtoniana
Lamington Silky Oak
Helicia nortoniana
Norton's Oak
Hicksbeachia pilosa
Red Bauple Nut
Hymenosporum flavum
Native Frangipani
Licuala ramsayi
Fan Palm
Litsea connorsii
Litsea leefeana
Brown Bollygum
Lomatia milnerae
Lomatia Silky Oak
7.8.2, 7.8.4
17/10, 7/11/2024
Lophostemon suaveolens
Swamp Box
Melaleuca viridiflora
Broad Leaved Paperbark
Melastoma malabathricum
Native Lasiandra
7.3.10, 7.8.2
9/10, 27/11/2024
Molineria capitulata
Weevil Lily
Neisosperma poweri
Red Boat Tree
Nephrolepis biserrata
Sword Fern
Normanbya normanbyi
Black Palm
Opisthiolepis heterophylla
Blush Silky Oak
Prunus turneriana
Rhysotoechia robertsonii
Robert's Tuckeroo
Sarcomelicope simplicifolia
Hard Aspen
Scleria polycarpa
Stenocarpus sinuatus
Wheel of Fire Tree
Syzygium australe
Creek Cherry
Syzygium cormiflorum
Bumpy Satinash
7.8.2, 7.8.4
Syzygium cryptophlebium
Plum Satinash
Syzygium erythrocalyx
Johnstone River Satinash
Syzygium gustavioides
Syzygium johnsonii
Rose Satinash
Syzygium kuranda
Kuranda Satinash
7.8.2, 7.8.4
17/10, 24/10/2025
Syzygium papyraceum
Paperbark Satinash
Syzygium resa
Red Eungella Satinash
Syzygium trachyphloium
Rough Barked Satinash
Syzygium unipunctatum
Rolypoly Satinash
Ternstroemia cherryi
Cherry Beech
Timonius singularis
False Fig
Toechima erythrocarpum
Pink Tamarind
Vanroyena castanosperma
Poison Plum
7.8.2, 7.8.4
7/11, 6/12/2024
Xanthostemon chrysanthus
Golden Penda
Xanthostemon whitei
Red Penda

Species and Common names taken from 'Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants Edition 8' online key:

PO Box 1119, Atherton, QLD 4883
Lake Eacham Nursery, McLeish Road, Lake Eacham

The right tree in the right place for the right reason
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