IN THIS ISSUE (Items are included in TREAT News for their interest to members and do not necessarily express TREAT's views)
TREAT doesn’t change its presidents often. After 13 years as president, Angela at last felt she could step down from the role, as John Clarkson was prepared take over.
John has been coming to TREAT on Friday mornings since retiring last year. He was a principal botanist with QPWS. Having done a lot of work on environmental weeds, he’s been giving Friday morning volunteers a monthly talk on some particular weeds. Many will know John from community plantings on his and Marion’s Nature Refuge property Galagi at Topaz.
John was responsible in 1979 for establishing the Far North Queensland node of the Queensland Herbarium in Mareeba. He has 45 years experience in flora survey and mapping across northern Australia, particularly on Cape York Peninsula. In 2018, he was awarded the Weed Society of Queensland’s Award for Outstanding Contribution to Weed Science.
We look forward to his leadership.
Barb Lanskey

9.00 am Saturday 16 November 2024 Tree ID and Seed Propagation Lake Eacham Nursery
8.30 am Saturday 30 November 2024 Revegetation Feeman's Forest NR
​These popular workshops are being held again this year. They are free and open to non-TREAT members as well as members. However, it is necessary to register if you wish to attend, as numbers are limited - please ring Barbara Lanskey (ph. 4091 4468) or contact the Lake Eacham Nursery on 4095 3406.
Tree identification & seed propagation workshop
This workshop is held in two sessions with a tea/coffee break in between, and is scheduled to finish at 12.30pm. Dinah Hansman presents the tree ID session and brings along samples of various tree branches to look at leaf features. She talks about leaf arrangement, feel, smell etc. and explains features such as domatia, glands, oil dots etc. which participants can see by using TREAT's hand lenses. Notes with diagrams are handed out. Peter Snodgrass presents the seed propagation session. At this time of year he has an assortment of seeds collected, and he shows the best ways to sow, germinate and grow the different seed types. Peter also has notes handed out.
Revegetation workshop
This workshop is held at Freemans Forest Nature Refuge where hole digging and planting can be demonstrated. An information session is held first, to talk about what is involved in site preparation, planting and maintenance of a planting site, and Mark and Angela McCaffrey together with Peter Snodgrass share their extensive knowledge and experience of these activities. Notes are handed out. There is a tea/coffee break after the information session, then at a designated area, augers are used to dig holes and trees are planted, to give participants hands-on experience. The workshop usually finishes about midday. Freemans Forest NR is on Cutler Road off Lake Barrine Road.
Christmas/New Year break
TREAT will have a Christmas morning tea on Friday 20th December, with extra food such as fruit and cheese platters, supplied by TREAT thanks to donations during the year to Smoko. The first working bee in 2025 will be on Friday 3rd January.

Field trip along the North Johnstone River Photo courtesy Wet Tropics Images
On 3rd September, around 70 people attended a Restoration Methods Workshop and Field Trip in Malanda. The event was hosted by the Wet Tropics Restoration Alliance, in collaboration with Malanda Landcare Group, NQ Land Management Services and Terrain NRM.
The workshop provided an overview of different restoration methods that can be used to reinstate native vegetation and assist the ongoing development of regrowth forests. This included well-tested methods and newer innovations that have not been widely used.
The morning session included presentations that described six different approaches to restoration methods.
1. Assisted Natural Regeneration
Kylie Freebody spoke about trials at Cloudland Nature Refuge, where different assisted natural regeneration approaches were investigated to facilitate pasture conversion to native forest. Activities such as weed control, installing bird perches and conducting island plantings were undertaken. The results from various interventions were variable and difficult to predict, however after 13 years, some sites were well established with good canopy cover. The benefits of such an approach include lower upfront costs compared to standard biodiverse plantings, but disadvantages included much longer maintenance periods and an increased risk of poor project outcomes. Kylie highlighted that it could be a useful approach at the right site and with the right management, as long as it was clear what the primary objective of the project was and there was sufficient commitment and resources over a long time frame to achieve outcomes.
2. Modified Miyawaki
Peter Rowles from C4 (Community for Coastal and Cassowary Conservation) described their experience applying the Miyawaki restoration method at their Gurrbum Nature Refuge. Miyawaki is an approach that involves careful soil preparation, then planting multiple species at very high densities (3-4 plants/m2) to give very fast early growth and canopy closure. While results were good, the establishment costs of Miyawaki are high, so this approach could only be used in small areas. A modified Miyawaki approach is now used, with strips sprayed 4m apart, which are then ripped, rotary hoed and heavily mulched, before planting densely. Limited maintenance is required within the rows, with serious weeds hand pulled, reducing herbicide application. Canopy cover within the rows is achieved quickly. The inter-row spaces are slashed and mowed and, over time, the canopy closes across the inter-rows. C4 have kept records of the various costs of their different approaches and have found their modified Miyawaki is cheaper than full Miyawaki or standard biodiverse plantings, and is still relatively easy to plant and maintain.
3. Direct Seeding of Pioneer Species at Garriya Nature Refuge
Bess Murphy described an experiment direct seeding pioneer species, which she undertook with her partner at their Topaz property. They trialled the approach on 1ha of their property, which has very poor soil and had been sitting at a stage of arrested succession for 16 years. They used seed from Acacia celsa, A. melanoxylon, Alphitonia petrei, Glochidion ferdinandi and Homalanthus populifolius. The seed was planted in single-species rows, alternating with rows of planted trees, with 1m between rows. The seeded rows were ripped to 5-10cm with seed manually sprinkled along the row. The site now has good canopy cover, with no maintenance required after the first 2-3 years. Some difficulties were encountered. A seed planter was initially used, but wasn’t successful. Seed viability was inconsistent, resulting in variable germination rates and density. The availability of some seed was also restricted. The costs of this approach were much lower than standard biodiverse plantings, but it’s likely that the biodiversity outcomes are lower or at least more variable. The opportunity to test related approaches was also highlighted, perhaps using other species, equipment or planting designs.
4.Massey Creek Wide-spaced Revegetation Trial
Peter Snodgrass provided an overview of a wide-spaced revegetation trial established in 1998 by QPWS at Massey Creek. Plantings were established using various row spacings from 2m - 5m and a higher proportion (40%) of pioneer species than normal. The inter-rows were slashed and mowed to control grass. After 5 years, canopy cover still wasn’t well developed in the wider spaced plantings, with up to 25% weed cover. After 6 years, canopy breakdown was noticeable from some of the pioneer species (e.g. bleeding heart), however the site had good germination of native recruits in the understorey. A second site was also planted, using a more typical proportion of pioneers (15%) and in rows 3m apart, with trees planted at 2m within the rows. Canopy closure was found to be quicker at this site compared to the first site, however canopy gaps and weeds were still present after 6 years.
Work at this site showed that standard plantings conducted by QPWS (15% pioneers, 1.5-1.8m spacing, quarterly weed spraying for first years) provided better outcomes, requiring shorter maintenance, with quicker canopy closure and significant numbers of native recruits.
5. The Need for all Restoration Tools to Restore the Lost Wet Tropics Forests
Noel Preece started his presentation with an overview of clearing rates in the Wet Tropics, noting around 4,500 ha have been cleared in just the last 4 years in the Wet Tropics alone. Even though there have been various reforestation programs over several decades, at best, less than 10% of cleared land has been reforested in the region. Noel has been researching cost effective methods of restoration that can be applied at a much larger scale in the region, that will deliver biodiversity outcomes, while generating income through carbon credits. Experiments have been conducted at Thiaki using different spacings, species and reforestation methods. Good results have been obtained using 3m spacings, or 1,000 trees/ha, with canopy closure occurring in 3 years, if survival is good. Minimising planting shock was found to have a significant impact on survival. The experiment has highlighted that there are many useful reforestation techniques for different purposes, with shade and timber plantings able to be established for less than $5,000/ha and rainforest plantings for around $8,000/ha. If plantings are registered as carbon projects, there is the possibility to recoup establishment and management costs and even generate an income from reforestation
6. Woodland Restoration
Jacqui Diggins described some of the different approaches to restoring woodland communities in the Wet Tropics, which are at risk from rainforest encroachment and clearing. Woodland vegetation communities support many species, including threatened and endemic wildlife, such as the Mahogany Glider. These ecosystems cover a large part of the region, however their restoration can be difficult, due to their open canopy and diverse understorey. Restoration actions can include appropriate fire management, weed management, revegetation and grazing management. Specific restoration techniques should consider the outcomes required and resources available, with careful consideration of canopy tree density. Restoration of woodland ecosystems generally requires a longer maintenance commitment to manage weeds, due to the more open canopy. Connectivity and habitat diversity are important factors in woodland restoration.
Field Trips
The presentations were followed in the afternoon by field trips to two sites. The first field trip was along the North Johnstone River, adjacent to the Malanda township. During the 1990s, approximately 3 hectares were revegetated at the site. However, in 2006 Cyclone Larry opened up the canopy, allowing an influx of weeds that dominated the understorey. Malanda and Upper Johnstone Landcare Association (Malanda Landcare) have been restoring the site, with weed eradication, infill planting and the restoration of a walking track.
The second field trip was to Thirlmere Gully on a property purchased by Barry and Jan Thurling in 1965. Since the 1970s, the owners have partnered with CSIRO and other research groups to revegetate waterways on their property. Various restoration techniques have been used over this time. The field visit was to a site which was very heavily mulched before planting, which significantly reduced the need for follow up weed control.
Many factors will influence what technique to use at a particular site, including the primary objective of the project, the resources available, site conditions, ability to conduct maintenance, access to machinery and equipment, the timescale of a project and surrounding land uses. Kylie summed the workshop up by explaining that we need a range of restoration techniques in the toolbox to support many different landholders to do more replanting projects in our region. To scale up restoration using the current, commonly-used restoration methods, we require a monumental increase in investment. Developing a suite of different restoration methods could engage more landholders to become involved in large-scale projects (tens of hectares) as well as more smaller projects (several hectares).
To do this, we need more information to compare the risks, benefits, costs and outcomes of the different approaches. If anyone is interested in contributing to data collection and collation of information from different restoration techniques, please contact the Wet Tropics Restoration Alliance.
PRESIDENTS REPORT 2024 - Angela McCaffrey
I start by acknowledging with respect the Traditional Owners of the land where we are tonight and they are the Tablelands Wadjanbarra Yidinji.
It has been another good year if a quiet one for TREAT since our last AGM. Our membership numbers have remained steady, increasing by just one to 444 (44 new and 43 deleted) but that is still quite a success in view of the fact that everyone is careful with their money in these days of cost of living crisis so community groups find it increasingly difficult to keep and attract members. Thank you to all those who have participated at the Yungaburra market stall and the continued effort to promote TREAT, especially Trish Forsyth who has also looked after the registering and reminding of memberships.
Our Plant ID and Propagation workshop was held in early December and was as popular and well attended as ever. Our Revegetation workshop was delayed by Cyclone Jasper and was slotted in on 13th January just one week before our planting season started. Thanks to all the presenters for their hard work and flexibility in getting the workshops done.
Most of you will have noticed the new possum bridge across the road from Freemans Forest NR to Denis Byrnes’s property on the Peterson Creek Corridor. Thanks to South Endeavour Trust for getting State Government funding and Ergon for the installation in November. Cameras have been installed to monitor its use, again thanks to SET.
The planting season was substantially shorter this year with only 8 community plantings taking place. These came to a total of 16,000 trees of which approx. 7,000 were from the TREAT/QPWS nursery and were planted by a total of 484 volunteers including BBQ teams. Thanks to everyone involved especially those organising plantings and catering. In addition to the community plantings over 4,000 trees went to members’ own projects.
In November last year we began a new monthly feature at the nursery with John Clarkson talking about a ‘weed of the month’. This is usually on the last Friday of each month and is generally about a group of related weeds when they are flowering, seeding or otherwise visible in the landscape, gardens or revegetation. Carefully controlled examples are brought in for everyone to see and John, with his extensive knowledge, is able to answer all queries about how to ID the weeds and how to control them.
Only one field day was held this year, at Reinhold and Petra’s property on Ault Road, Butchers Creek. Unfortunately I had to miss this one but there were glowing reports about the event afterwards. Thank you to Barbara for organising.
Work at the nursery has continued apace throughout the year, with seed cleaning and sowing, potting up, pot washing and work in the hardening bays being tackled by many volunteers to produce thousands of top quality seedlings. Friday mornings have averaged 50 to 60 volunteers each week and the morning tea activities have been shared by four teams putting on fabulous fare to keep us all happy.
Turning now to the committee:
At last year’s AGM we appointed Kelvin Brooks as our Treasurer. Unfortunately, due to family issues, Kelvin had to step down from the committee. Dinah Hansman kindly stepped in to fill the role until our new Treasurer, Barbara Slaughter takes over. Barbara is away for about another week so although she is appointed tonight, Dinah will continue for a few more days. Thanks to Kelvin, Dinah and Barbara.
The rest of our committee, John Hardman, Doug Burchill, Barbara Lanskey, Belinda Bogart, Simon Burchill, Gemma Horner, Dave Skelton, Chris Eade, Irene Gorman and Angus Emmott have all contributed enormously to cover the various tasks of vice president, secretary, newsletter editor, Cassowary Recovery Team and NAMAC representative, weed awareness and monitoring, database manager, Spectacled Flying Fox Recovery Team representative, tree applications manager and project funding officer.
Jobs filled by non-committee members include Trish Forsyth, membership manager and Dinah Hansman, website and media manager. Stan Newman has taken on the task of setting up a new platform to hold all our membership details and continues to create another new database for all the nursery’s information on the seedlings grown, from the time the seed is formed and collected from the parent tree to when and where the seedlings are planted.
I am extremely grateful for all the efforts of such a hardworking and talented team.
The support of QPWS, Peter Snodgrass, Julia Hengstler and Stuart Russell has been outstanding as ever with the two organisations working seamlessly hand in hand.
Lastly I would like to say how proud I am to have had the opportunity to be president for the last 13 years and how much I look forward to working with the new committee under a new president.

​You might know this species as Terminalia sericocarpa – a very useful tree for revegetation that is suitable for a wide range of habitats, grows quickly and produces copious small fleshy fruit that give it its common name ‘Damson Plum’. Although there are many Terminalia species native to tropical Australia, this is the only one that occurs in higher altitude (up to 750 m) rainforest.
​​You might know this species as Terminalia sericocarpa – a very useful tree for revegetation that is suitable for a wide range of habitats, grows quickly and produces copious small fleshy fruit that give it its common name ‘Damson Plum’. Although there are many Terminalia species native to tropical Australia, this is the only one that occurs in higher altitude (up to 750 m) rainforest.
​The rainforest key (and the Australian National Herbarium) lumps T. sericocarpa (endemic to Australia) and T. microcarpa together. T. microcarpa has a wide range, occurring throughout the Philippines, in parts of Malaysia and Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and across northern Australia from the Kimberlies to as far south as Rockhampton. The Queensland Herbarium still recognises T. sericocarpa as a separate species. It grows in rainforest but also in drier rainforest, monsoon forest and gallery forest. At TREAT, it has been collected in 7.3.10, 7.8.2 and 7.8.3 (Mabi) Regional Ecosystems. This makes it a resilient species for harsher revegetation sites.
On the Atherton Tableland, T. microcarpa fruits in December to April. Fruit have the typical Terminalia shape, but are much smaller (only about 15 mm long) than the coastal species such as Terminalia catappa. Ripe fruit are plum coloured (dark pink or purple) with a fleshy layer over a woody endocarp (the plum stone). In the Philippines T microcarpa is known as kalumpit and is cultivated for the fruit which is made into jams or eaten fresh. In Australia, the woodland species Terminalia ferdinandiana (Kakadu Plum) is grown commercially for its fruit which has high levels of Vitamin C and antioxidants.
The seed inside the stony endocarp is about 7 mm long in T. microcarpa. Because the stones are small, there is no need to crack them open to speed up germination. Fruit can be sweated in a plastic bag to help soften the flesh, to make it easier to rub off, or simply sown without any treatment. Germination is usually quick (14 to 21 days) but can take up to 248 days. Newly emerged seedlings are very decorative, with the cotyledons curled in a spiral (see above photo). Germination rates should be high. Seedlings grow quickly and are ready to plant the following wet season.

T. microcarpa in its fall glory © D Hansman
Terminalias are deciduous, with leaves turning a deep red and then falling in the dry season. This abundant leaf drop helps build up the forest leaf litter layer. Trees are leafless for a time in September or October, displaying the pagoda-like branching pattern typical of Terminalias. The new leaf flush is lime green.
Flowers are tiny and pollinated by flies and tiny beetles. There are many flowers per inflorescence which is a spike. Flowers have a strong smell which can politely be referred to as ‘tom cat’.
T. microcarpa is one of the host plants for Bright Oak Blue butterflies. In more coastal areas, the caterpillars are closely attended by green ants (Sankowsky, 2020).
For a poetic description of T. microcarpa, read Rupert Russell’s book.
Russell, R., Curtis, P., Nowakowski, S. (2019). A Heritage of Trees: Queensland’s Wet Tropics.
Steven Nowakowski Publishing.
Sankowsky, G. (2020). A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Australia: Their Life Histories and Larval Host Plants. Reed New Holland, Sydney.
We had glorious weather and a good turnout for this field day on the morning of Saturday 17th August. People had car pooled as requested and stopped at the beginning of Ault Road to further car pool.
After a short talk from Reinhold, we set off before 10am to walk along a track through some earlier plantings, and eventually reaching a circuit track of the 2022-2024 plantings. At appropriate points, Reinhold stopped to mention the revegetation method used there and the successes and failures. Everyone was very interested and the lead with Reinhold kept changing, as people spread out and conversed about their own revegetation experiences. Petra brought up the rear with her faithful dog Ruby.
The weather was so clear that at one point along the track, we could see beyond the mountains to the line of the sea on the horizon. Cameras clicked appropriately.

The circuit track plantings showed how quickly an initial forest can grow, with good seasons and early intervention maintenance. This year’s maintenance on the 2024 planting was curtailed by continual wet weather, and the young trees suffered from the grass and weed competition; in contrast, the 2022 and 2023 plantings showed terrific growth, and some of the lower branches of pioneer species were being removed, to allow more light for slower-growing species nearby.
It was fairly easy walking and Wendy made it all the way with her walker, accepting some help lifting it over a few rougher bits. We got back to the house soon after 11am for the very welcome morning tea refreshments. There were sandwiches, cake, slice and biscuits to eat with our tea/coffee, and Reinhold and Petra produced a large brioche with jam and cream as well. The venue was a great place to chat on, but with thanks to our hosts, we all departed about midday.
2024 AGM REPORT - Barb Lanskey
TREAT’s 42nd Annual General Meeting on 6th September was attended by 40 people. It was good to see Barry Thurling there again and Brian and Gael Norton also attended, coming from out past Millaa Millaa.
Peter Snodgrass gave the Nursery Report, with images and figures shown on the back wall, which we now use as the screen. The Treasurer’s Report was prepared by Dinah Hansman who has been acting Treasurer for Kelvin for a while, but as Dinah was away, Angela read the report while figures were shown on the screen wall.
Angela then read her President’s Report (see this newsletter) which was received with acclamation. As Angela was stepping down this year from the position, I presented her with a floral arrangement in appreciation of her work and dedication over the last 13 years as president. Peter Snodgrass had already listed some statistics of nursery work and plantings etc. that occurred during her tenure.
Angela then declared all positions vacant and invited Keith Smith to chair the election of the management committee for the coming year. A list of nominees and positions had been on display at the nursery for 2 weeks and those nominees were duly elected. The committee for the coming year is:
President - John Clarkson
Vice-president - John Hardman
Secretary - Doug Burchill
Treasurer - Barbara Slaughter
Committee members - Belinda Bogart, Simon Burchill, Angus Emmott, Irene Gorman, Gemma Horner, Barbara Lanskey, Angela McCaffrey, Dave Skelton.
Besides John Clarkson, the other new committee member is the Treasurer, Barbara Slaughter. Barbara grew up in Cairns and Mareeba, and after graduating from James Cook University in Townsville, she worked as a tax accountant in Cairns, Rockhampton and Brisbane. Now retired, she and her husband live in Atherton. We are very happy she offered to be our Treasurer.
A General Meeting follows the AGM and being the new president, John Clarkson took the chair. He spoke of Angela’s positive leadership of TREAT and moved a vote of thanks to her. There was little other business so the meeting was short.
John then introduced and invited Keith Smith, our guest speaker for the evening, to give his talk on ways to protect private property in perpetuity. Keith expanded on the article he’d written in the July-September 2024 TREAT newsletter.
Supper was held afterwards and the last of us left about 9.30pm.
In early September, 23 Japanese students with teacher and guide came to visit the TREAT nursery and Freemans Forest Nature Refuge to learn about who we are and what we do. They are doing environmental studies at a university in Japan and their visit had been arranged by local wildlife tour guide and TREAT member, Yu Ota.
After arriving at the nursery, they were greeted by me and introduced to Mark McCaffrey and Simon Burchill who were assisting with the information session.
We began in the Display Centre where I described TREAT’s objectives, methods and the reasons behind them, in short bites of information that could easily be translated by their guide, Takara. The Display Centre is a great place to do this as the many photos and pieces of information can be used to help explain TREAT’s activities and our unique relationship with QPWS.
From here we went up to the nursery where Simon explained the processes of fruit collection, seed cleaning and sowing. We looked at the amazing results in the germination room and then on to the potting bench where Mark explained the potting and labelling processes. A Bleeding Heart seedling was used to demonstrate before we looked at the newly potted seedlings recovering from transplant shock under the poly carbonate roof which blocks most of the UV light. Moving on outside to the hardening bays, I explained how the seedlings are looked after in order to have maximum success and reach optimum size and root growth before the next two Wet Seasons when they would be planted out in strategic places for wildlife corridors, creek bank stabilisation, improved water quality and buffer zones to protect and increase habitat.
From the nursery we took a drive up to Freemans Forest Nature Refuge to look at mature plantings between 7 and 13 years old. Starting in the youngest, 2017 planting, we looked at how the canopy had developed, how the weeds were being effectively controlled by the shade and how the numerous and varied native seedlings were coming up under the trees. We talked about the soil structure and how it had changed, and the woody debris, mainly branches from the pioneer species such as Bleeding Heart, providing food and shelter for invertebrates, lizards, snakes and fungi, all the time wandering through the planting down to where it meets the 2016, 2012 and the 2011 plantings, where we looked at the amazingly tall trees in the oldest planting on the site. We also looked at some of the additional species which had found their own way into the site, such as the native rainforest grasses growing on some of the paths, and some of the vines. Students had several opportunities to ask questions and showed genuine interest in the results of TREAT’s work.
After we walked back to the vehicles, the students showed their appreciation and the teacher gave a $500 donation from the university to help with future rainforest revegetation.

NURSERY NEWS - Peter Snodgrass
It was great to see the sun come out more often after so many months of persistent rain. This was a fairly good period for establishing trees in most areas, but unfortunately by coinciding with a cold front sweeping up the east coast, this brought some fairly severe frosts.
The Wongabel Conservation Area suffered some substantial damage to the young trees in the 2024 site. Although we have seen a lot of re-shooting from the base of a good percentage of trees, unfortunately there were losses sustained. There were some frost tolerant species that weren’t affected too badly or very minimally. The most frost tolerant species are listed in the table below.
Lophostemon suaveolens
Mallotus philippensis
Pittosporum ferrugineum
Pittosporum revolutum
Emmenosperma alphitonioides
Mischocarpus macrocarpus
Firmiana papuana
Castanospermum australe
Prumnopitys amara
Syzygium luehmannii
Syzygium australe
Syzygium smithii
Maintenance at this site was significantly hindered by the persistent rain throughout the first half of the year and as a result and at this stage, the presence of Fleabane (Conyza sp.) is causing major issues. A mostly Glyphosate resistant weed post seedling stage, specific herbicides are necessary for the control of this weed. Most other sites across the tablelands are, for the most part, experiencing successful growth.
At the TREAT AGM occurring recently, the annual nursery production and distribution statistics were presented to members as per the following tables.​​
Note: Barron Catchment Care trees for 2022-23 not included in total
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Volunteer hours at nursery and Display Centre 6,872 8,533 7,714
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Seedlings potted up (repotted) 42,433 (16,374) 53,171 (12,476) 52,172 (9,991)
2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Stock held at annual Aug/Sep stocktake (no. of trees) 60,000 65,000 70,000
As most of us are aware, Angela McCaffrey stepped down as TREAT president after 13 years of dedicated service to the community group. Angela tirelessly challenged the legacy of landscape restoration, leading TREAT through projects to reconnect fragments of forest, enhance habitat, stabilise creek banks improving water quality with numerous significant conservation initiatives across the tablelands - a task that involves a lot of networking, talking to and encouraging private landholders to get involved with these environmental initiatives. It has been a pleasure working with Angela over this period, as it has been with previous presidents, but for the moment, a huge thank you to Angela for all she has done to ensure that everything continues to run smoothly.
After being nominated for the presidential role, John Clarkson has graciously and courageously accepted. John brings with him a lifetime’s wealth of environmental/ecological assessment knowledge. John and his wife Marion have also been extensively involved with revegetation, restoring the landscape on their property at Topaz for many years as well as volunteering in the nursery. He is new to the role of TREAT president, but certainly no newcomer to TREAT, revegetation initiatives and associated practices.
We welcome John and look forward to working with him as part of the continuing TREAT/QPWS partnership into the future.

FRUIT COLLECTION DIARY July to September 2024
Species | Common Name | Regional Ecosystem | Collection Date |
Acronychia acidula | Lemon Aspen | 7.8.4 | 21/8/2024 |
Acronychia vestita | Hairy Lemon Aspen | 7.8.2 | 28/8, 11/09/2024 |
Adenanthera pavonina | Red Beantree | 7.3.10 | 2/9/2024 |
Allocasuarina torulosa | River Oak | 7.8.2 | 1/8/2024 |
Alpinia caerulea | Native Ginger | 7.8.4 | 1/8/2024 |
Arytera divaricata | Rose Tamarind | 7.8.2 | 17/9/2024 |
Beilschmedia bancroftii | Yellow Walnut | 7.8.2 | 24/7/2024 |
Buckinghamia celcissima | Ivory Curl Tree | 7.8.2 | 26/9/2024 |
Castanospermum australe | Black Bean | 7.8.2 | 21/8/2024 |
Cerbera floribunda | Cassowary Plum | 7.3.10 | 31/7/2024 |
Cryptocarya mackinnoniana | Mackinnon's Laurel | 7.8.4 | 3/7/2024 |
Cryptocarya murrayi | Murray's Laurel | 7.8.2 | 11/9/2024 |
Cryptocarya oblata | Tarzali Silkwood | 7.8.4 | 26/9/2024 |
Cryptocarya onoprienkoana | Pigeonberry Ash | 7.8.4 | 3/7/2024 |
Davidsonia pruriens | Davidson's Plum | 7.8.2 | 21/8/2024 |
Diploglottis diphyllostegia | Wild Tamarind | 7.8.2 | 12/09, 17/09/2024 |
Dysoxylum rufum | Rusty Mahogany | 7.8.4 | 26/9/2024 |
Elaeocarpus grandis | Blue Quandong | 7.8.4 | 22/08, 12/09/2024 |
Emmenosperma alphitonioides | Bonewood | 7.8.3 | 24/7/2024 |
Endiandra globosa | Black Walnut | 7.3.10 | 2/9/2024 |
Endiandra microneura | Noah's Walnut | 7.3.10 | 31/7/2024 |
Endiandra sankeyana | Sankey's Walnut | 7.8.2, 7.8.4 | 22/08, 24/09/2024 |
Fagraea cambagei | Porcelain Fruit | 7.3.10 | 31/7/2024 |
Ficus destruens | Rusty Fig | 7.8.2 | 15/8/2024 |
Ficus henneana | Superb Fig | 7.8.4 | 22/08, 12/09/2024 |
Ficus virens | Strangler Fig | 7.3.10 | 2/9/2024 |
Ficus watkinsiana | Watkin's Fig | 7.8.2 | 24/7/2024 |
Halfordia kendack | Kerosenewood | 7.8.2 | 3/7/2024 |
Ixora biflora | - | 7.3.10 | 31/7/2024 |
Licuala ramsayi | Fan Palm | 7.3.10 | 31/7/2024 |
Litsea leefeana | Brown Bollygum | 7.8.2, 7.8.4 | 29/08, 12/09/2024 |
Melaleuca viridiflora | Broad-leaved Paperbark | 7.3.10 | 2/9/2024 |
Melaleuca quinquenervia | - | 7.3.10 | 2/9/2024 |
Melicope vitiflora | Northern Evodia | 7.8.2 | 10/7/2024 |
Mischocarpus macrocarpus | Large Fruited Mischocarp | 7.8.2 | 29/08, 11/09/2024 |
Normanbya normanbyi | Black Palm | 7.3.10 | 31/7/2024 |
Pittosporum ferrugineum | Rusty Pittosporum | 7.8.2 | 10/07, 07/08/2024 |
Polyscias elegans | Celerywood | 7.8.2 | 7/8/2024 |
Schefflera actinophylla | Umbrella Tree | 7.8.3 | 7/8/2024 |
Syzygium australe | Creek Lillypilly | 7.8.2 | 3/7/2024 |
Syzygium graveolens | Cassowary Satinash | 7.3.10 | 2/9/2024 |
Syzygium gustavioides | Watergum | 7.8.2, 7.8.4 | 11/09, 12/09/2024 |
Syzygium kuranda | Kuranda Satinash | 7.3.10 | 31/7/2024 |
Syzygium smithii | Creek Satinash | 7.8.2, 7.8.4 | 3/7/2024 |
Syzygium hemilamprum | Cassowary Gum | 7.3.10 | 31/7/2024 |
Xanthostemon chrysanthus | Golden Penda | 7.8.2 | 26/9/2024 |
Species and Common names taken from 'Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants Edition 8' online key: